10 Natural Energy Drinks to Put Pep in Your Step  Many people rely on energy drinks to do pick-up, they need to get energy throughout the day. However, the most popular energy drink is packed with added sugar - more than soda. Some also have artificial colors and sweets that you want to avoid, and can pack more amounts of caffeine, which can irritate, irritate, or irritate you (1 reliable source). Both the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) consider caffeine intake up to 400 mg daily as safe (2 reliable sources). All the same, many brands make healthy, naturally derived energy drinks that will provide you with a search for help without any side effects. Energy drinks in this list are as follows: 0 grams of added sugar No artificial sweeteners or colors Less than 200 mg of caffeine per serving Top 10 Natural Energy Drinks Here Registration Search health line Nutrition 10 natural energy drinks to keep you on the move Written by Ji

Here are 15 healthy staples you should always keep on hand.

Here are 15 healthy staples you should always keep on hand.

1. Dried and canned beans and lentils

The nutritional foods you can eat include beans and beans. In addition, dried and canned beans and beans have a very long shelf life, making them an indestructible food choice in your kitchen.

In fact, canned beans can be stored in the pantry at room temperature (68 beans or 20) for 2–5 years, while dried beans can last 10 or more years. . Dried beans have a long shelf life due to the lack of moisture required to promote microbial growth (1, 2, 3 trust sources).

In addition to shelf life, canned and dried beans and legumes are rich in nutrients including fiber, magnesium, B vitamins, and iron (4 reliable sources).

Try mixing black pepper, chickpeas, lentils and kidney beans in peppers, soups and salads.

2. Nuts, seeds and their butter

Nuts and seeds are nutritious foods that provide healthy fats, proteins, fiber and vitamins and minerals.

Depending on the type, nuts and seeds can be stored at room temperature for 1–4 months, making them an ideal ingredient to store in your pantry (5).

Natural nuts and seed butter are long-lasting, healthier alternatives to their business counterparts that typically include oils and sugars.

Nuts and seeds can be used in many dishes including oats, yogurt, trail mix and salads. Nuts and seed butters make excellent additions to smoothies and can be added to sauces or spread on fruits or vegetables for a quick, satisfying snack.

3. Grain

When in a pinch, rice-based dishes such as salads, soup bowls, soups and pilaf make the best choice for their versatility and comfort.

the best for bulk purchases (6) Options can be made.

In addition, these grains are good sources of fiber and micronutrients, including B vitamins, manganese, and magnesium, and eating them may help protect against conditions such as heart disease and some cancers (7Trust Source).

4. Frozen Fruits and Vegetables

Many fresh fruits and vegetables such as berries and vegetables are very bad. However, buying these foods in frozen form always gives you hand-made nutrients.

Nutritional, frozen fruits and vegetables can be compared to new products in micronutrient content, making them healthy and convenient freezer staples (8 reliable sources).

Try adding sausages, soups and smoothies to frozen vegetables. Frozen berry can be used just like fresh berries and add natural sweetness to oats, smoothies, baked goods and yogurt burgers.

5. Honey and Maple Syrup

Everyone needs a little dessert from time to time. Honey and maple syrup are natural desserts that provide unique health benefits.

For example, raw honey has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties and contains powerful antioxidants. Maple syrup is also rich in antioxidants and contains small amounts of nutrients such as magnesium, potassium and manganese.

Honey and maple syrup can be used to add flavor and depth to sweet and salty dishes. Remember to use these sweets sparingly because too much sugar from any source can be harmful to your overall health.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has many uses in the kitchen. For example, it is an effective all-purpose cleanser and can be used for dishes such as sauces, dressings and baked goods in addition to spices.

In addition to its versatility, this fuzzy vinegar is incredibly healthy. Research suggests that it may have anti-depressant, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and cardiovascular promoting properties (12 reliable sources, 13 competitive sources, 14 reliable sources.

7. Healthy Fat for Cooking

Some fats, including coconut oil, ghee and olive oil, can be stored safely at room temperature for a year or more, depending on the type.

Cooking with these healthy fats helps add flavor to dishes and improves absorption of soluble vitamins, minerals and antioxidant solutions in food (16 reliable sources).

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8. Fermented food

Fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi and pickles are tasty and versatile, and they provide many health benefits. Research suggests that they can improve digestive health and help reduce inflammation and blood sugar levels (17 reliable sources, 18 reliable sources, 19 reliable sources)

Also, these foods will last longer, so you can store them without worrying about food wastage. For example, sauerkraut and pickle can be stored at room temperature for up to 18 months (1).

You can enjoy these dishes directly in jars or use them as delicious toppings for salads and other dishes.

9. Spices and Dried Herbs

To make delicious flavors, it is necessary to have a well-stored spice rack. Spices and herbs enhance the flavor of the dishes and are easy to make in a recipe.

What's more, incorporating dried herbs and spices into your diet can improve your health in many ways.

Turmeric, cayenne pepper, rosemary, cinnamon, ginger, parsley and cumin all provide amazing health benefits and can help reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of certain diseases (20 reliable sources).

10. Garlic and Onion

Garlic and onions are the backbone of many cooking tips and are well-liked by professionals and home cooks for their goodness and long shelf life.

Both have been shown to benefit your health in many ways, and experiencing them regularly can help reduce the risk of various diseases, including some cancers, mental illness, heart disease, and diabetes (21 Sources of reverence, comprising 22 sources of faith) 23 sources of adoption)

11. Fresh fruits and vegetables for a long time

Although many fresh fruits and vegetables quickly decompose even when refrigerated, there are many long-term changes to choose from.

Sweet potatoes, buttermilk squash, apples, beets, cabbage, pickled squash, rhubarb, pomegranate, carrots and citrus fruits and vegetables can be stored for weeks or more when stored in the refrigerator or counter. .

12. Frozen Fish, Poultry, Meat

Although fresh fish, meat, and poultry are highly harmful, frozen versions of these products may be edible over the long term if stored at the right temperature.

For example, fresh chicken and meat remain frozen (0 or -17) for up to 1 year, while fish like cod and hawthorn can be kept in the freezer for up to 5 months (24, 25).

When sources of fresh frozen chicken protein are low, frozen chicken, meat, and fish will help you prepare a healthy, protein-rich diet.

13. Healthy Spices

Adding hot sauce or tahini haze to a recipe can be spiced with boredom in an instant.

However, it is important to choose healthy spices to store your pantry and avoid buying sugary processed products.

14. Egg

Egg is a versatile food that can be enjoyed at any time of the day. They are full of protein and contain every vitamin and mineral that your body needs to thrive, which is why they are often referred to as nature's multivitamins (26 reliable sources).

Although, eggs are considered spoiled, they can remain in the refrigerator (24) for up to 5 weeks.

Try making a vegetarian-fat omelette or adding fried eggs to oats, salads or vegetable dishes to increase protein content.

Buy grazing eggs if you can. Eggs from grazing chickens are not only more nutritious than controlled chickens, but chickens laying them are generally better treated. They have room to hang out and are able to participate in normal food-seeking behavior (source of hope, 28).

15. Whole Fat Yogurt

Yogurt can be used in many ways in the kitchen, it should be necessary in any refrigerator that is stored well. It can be enjoyed with berries, added to smoothies, topped vegetarian dishes or added cream to sauces and soups.

Although many people obtain low-fat and low-fat yogurt, whole-fat yogurt is associated with many nutritional and health benefits.

For example, eating whole-fat yogurt may prevent heart disease and the development of abdominal fat, which is a risk factor for many conditions including diabetes (29Trust Source, 30Competitive Source, 31Trust Source).

Most yogurt can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks and enjoyed after its expiration date, until it is still visible, tasty and has a fresh aroma (32, 33).


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