10 Natural Energy Drinks to Put Pep in Your Step  Many people rely on energy drinks to do pick-up, they need to get energy throughout the day. However, the most popular energy drink is packed with added sugar - more than soda. Some also have artificial colors and sweets that you want to avoid, and can pack more amounts of caffeine, which can irritate, irritate, or irritate you (1 reliable source). Both the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) consider caffeine intake up to 400 mg daily as safe (2 reliable sources). All the same, many brands make healthy, naturally derived energy drinks that will provide you with a search for help without any side effects. Energy drinks in this list are as follows: 0 grams of added sugar No artificial sweeteners or colors Less than 200 mg of caffeine per serving Top 10 Natural Energy Drinks Here Registration Search health line Nutrition 10 natural energy drinks to keep you on the move Written by Ji

The Top 20 Biggest Nutrition Myths

 The Top 20 Biggest Nutrition Myths

Scrolling through social media, reading your favorite magazine or visiting popular websites reveals you endless information about nutrition and health - most of which are misleading.

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Even qualified health professionals, including doctors and dieticians, are responsible for spreading misinformation about nutrition to the public and increasing confusion.

Here are the 20 biggest myths related to nutrition, why these ancient beliefs should be relaxed.

1. calories out when weight loss, calories out 'is important

Although the most important factor for losing weight is to create a deficit by burning more energy than you did, it is not a bar.

Relying only on calorie intake does not lead to a large number of variables that can prevent a person from losing weight even on a very low calorie diet.

For example, health conditions such as hormonal imbalance, hypothyroidism, metabolic adaptation, the use of certain drugs and genetics are factors that make it more difficult for some people to lose weight, although their diet is strict (1, 2 reliable evidence) is.

This concept fails to emphasize the importance of stability and dietary quality for weight loss. The following "calorie-in, calorie-out" methods usually focus only on the caloric value of foods, not their nutritional value (3 reliable sources).

This means that low-calorie intake, unhealthy foods such as high-calorie foods such as rice cakes and egg whites, as well as intensively nutritious foods such as butter and whole eggs, are not ideal for overall health.


The "calorie in, calorie out" theory does not account for the many variables that may prevent a person from losing weight. There are many factors such as genetics, medical condition and metabolic adaptation that make weight loss very difficult for some.

2. Healthy food is not healthy

While this ancient and misguided theory is slowly closing in, many are still afraid of high-fat diets and follow a low-fat diet, hoping that reducing fat intake will benefit their general health .

Dietary fats are essential for optimal health. In addition, low-fat diets are associated with an increased risk of health problems, including metabolic syndrome, and increased insulin resistance and triglyceride levels, which are known to be risk factors for heart disease (4Trust Source, 5Trased Source).

More, high-fat diets are proven to be more effective than low-fat diets when promoting weight loss - or even more (6 reliable sources, 7 sources).

Of course, being high in both directions, whether it is a very low fat or high fat diet, can be harmful to your health, especially if the quality of the food is not right.


Many fatty foods are very nutritious and help in maintaining a healthy weight.

3. Breakfast is a very important meal - it can either make or break your day

Although it was previously thought that breakfast is one of the most important factors in establishing oneself for a healthy day, research suggests that it does not apply to most adults (reliable 8 sources).

For example, research suggests that skipping breakfast can reduce calorie intake (9 reliable sources).

In addition, regular fasting, skipping breakfast or eating late meals have a number of benefits, including better blood sugar control and lower inflammation scores (10 reliable sources, 11 reliable sources, 12 reliable sources).

However, this can also be repeated by consuming a regular breakfast after the last meal to maintain a 14–16-hour fasting window. .

Keep in mind that this does not apply to high nutritional requirements for growing children and young people or pregnant women and with certain health conditions, as skipping meals can have negative side effects. Health in this population (13 reliable sources, 14 reliable sources).

On the other hand, there is some evidence that eating dinner and consuming more calories than dinner, with a lower dietary frequency, can be beneficial to health by reducing body inflammation and weight gain (source 15 believe) .

Regardless, you enjoy breakfast, eat. If you are not a breakfast person, do not feel the need to include it in your routine.


Not everyone needs to eat breakfast. Health benefits are associated with eating and avoiding breakfast.

4. You should eat small, frequent meals for optimum health

Small, frequent meals throughout the day are consumed by many techniques that increase metabolism and weight loss.

However, if you are healthy, the frequency of your diet does not matter as long as it meets your energy needs.

It stated that people with certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, coronary artery disease and irritable bowel syndrome (IPS), may benefit from eating more frequently.


Eating frequently throughout the day is the best way to promote weight loss. Research shows that a regular diet is good for your health.

5. Unhealthy desserts are healthy

Low-calorie, low-carb, low-sugar diet products are becoming more and more popular. While it is clear that a diet high in added sugar significantly increases the risk of disease, the use of NNS can also have negative health effects.

For example, the use of NNS can cause negative changes in intestinal bacteria and increase your type 2 diabetes by promoting blood sugar control. In addition, regular consumption of NNS is associated with common unhealthy lifestyles (16Trust Source, 17Trust Source).

Keep in mind that research in this area is ongoing, and future quality studies are needed to confirm these potential links.


Unhealthy sweets can cause undesirable health effects, that is, there is an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and negative changes in intestinal bacteria.

6. The ratio of macronutrients is more important than the quality of food

Although macro practitioners may lead you to believe that the ratio of macronutrients in your diet is important for weight loss and overall health, this narrow mindset in nutrition does not appear to be the big picture. picture.

The twisted macro ratio can be beneficial for health in many ways, the most important factor in any diet is the quality of the foods you eat.

While it is possible to lose weight by eating processed foods and anything other than a protein shake, adding certain foods only focuses on micronutrient relaxation as to how it increases metabolism, disease risk, longevity and vitality health. Or can decrease.


Although twisting macro ratios can be beneficial in some ways, the most important way to improve overall health is to follow a diet that is rich in whole, uncooked foods, regardless of the macro ratio.

7. White Potatoes Are Not Healthy

Because people in the nutrition world are often labeled as "unwell", white potatoes are controlled by those who want to lose weight or improve their overall health.

Eating too much of any food - including white potatoes - can increase weight, and these starchy potatoes are also very nutritious and can be added as part of a healthy diet.

White potato is an excellent source of many nutrients including potassium, vitamin C and fiber.

In addition, they are loaded with other carbs than rice and pasta, and can help you feel more satisfied after a meal. Remember to enjoy boiled or fried potatoes, not fried (18 reliable sources, 19 representative sources).


White potatoes are a healthy carp choice - make sure they are fried or baked in a healthy way.

10. Following a low calorie diet is the best way to lose weight

Reducing calorie intake can actually reduce weight, while reducing calories can have metabolic adaptations and long-term health effects.

Although going on a low calorie diet promotes rapid weight loss in the short term, prolonged adherence to a low calorie diet lowers metabolic rate, increases appetite stimulation, and changes in whole hormones (27 reliable sources) is.

This makes it difficult to maintain long-term weight loss.

This is why studies show that low-calorie dietitians are rarely successful in maintaining high weight for long periods of time (27 reliable sources).


Very low calorie foods can lead to metabolic adaptations that complicate long-term weight maintenance.

11. To be healthy you need to lose weight

Being overweight is associated with many diseases, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, depression, some cancers, and early death (28 reliable sources, 29 reliable sources).

However, reducing your risk of disease does not mean that you should be slim. The most important thing is to eat a nutritious diet and maintain an active lifestyle as these behaviors often improve your body weight and body fat percentage.


Although being overweight increases your risk of disease, but you do not have to be slim to stay healthy. Instead, it is important to maintain a healthy body weight and body fat percentage by maintaining a nutritious diet and an active lifestyle.

12. Calcium supplements are necessary for bone health

Many people are asked to take calcium supplements to keep their skeletal system healthy. However, current research suggests that adding calcium can cause more harm than good.

For example, some studies have linked calcium supplements to an increased risk of heart disease. In addition, research suggests that they do not reduce the risk of fractures or osteoporosis (30Trust Source, 31Trust Source).

If you are concerned about your calcium intake, it is a good idea to focus on calcium dietary sources such as whole fat yogurt, herring, beans, and seeds.


Although medical experts usually prescribe calcium supplements, current studies suggest that these supplements can do more harm than good.

13. Fiber supplements are an excellent alternative to fiber-based foods

Many people find it difficult to get enough fiber in their diet, so fiber supplements are very popular. Although fiber supplements are good for health by improving bowel movements and controlling blood sugar, they should not replace real foods (32 sources).

Whole fiber high fiber foods like vegetables, beans and fruits contain nutrients and plant compounds that help improve your health and cannot be replaced with fiber supplements.


Fiber supplements should not be used instead of nutritious, high fiber foods.

14. All smoothies and fruit juices are healthy

Some juices and smoothies are nutritious. For example, nutrient-dense smoothies or fresh juices made primarily of starch-free vegetables are a great way to boost your vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant intake.

However, it is important to know that most of the juices and fruit juices sold in stores are high in sugar and calories. When consumed in high amounts, they can promote weight gain and other health problems such as tooth decay and blood sugar breakdown (33 reliable sources, 34 reliable sources, 35 reliable sources).


Many store-bought juices and smoothies are full of added sugar and calories.

15. Everyone Can Benefit From A Probiotic

Probiotics are one of the most popular foods in the market. However, physicians usually describe them, and research suggests that probiotics, like some others, may not benefit.

Not only do some people's digestive systems resist probiotic colonization, but the introduction of probiotics through supplementation can lead to negative changes in their gut bacteria.

In addition, excessive bacterial growth in the small intestine associated with the use of probiotics can cause bloating, flatulence, and other adverse effects (37 source hope).

In addition, several studies have shown that probiotic treatment following the course of antibiotics may delay the natural regeneration of common intestinal bacteria (38 evidence).

Instead of recommending a dose-matching-all supplement, probiotics should be highly customized and available only when a therapeutic benefit is often present.


Current research suggests that probiotic supplements may not be beneficial for everyone and should not be recommended as a one-size-fits-all supplement.

16. Losing weight is easy

Do not be fooled by the images used by subsidiaries and the rapid weight loss stories obtained without too much effort dramatically.

Losing weight is not easy. It requires stability, self-love, hard work and perseverance. In addition, genetics and other factors make it more difficult for some to lose weight than others.

If you are having difficulty losing weight, you are not alone. The best thing you are doing is expressing the noise of weight loss every day and having a nutritious and consistent diet and work that works for you.


Losing weight is difficult for most people and requires stability, self-love, hard work and patience. There are many factors that affect how easy it is for you to lose weight.

17. It is necessary to take care of calories and macros for weight loss.

There is no need to worry about your calorie intake, just look at every meal that goes through your lips to lose weight.

While dietary monitoring is an effective tool when trying to reduce excess body fat, it is not right for everyone.

In addition, being preoccupied with excessive calorie tracking increases the risk of irregular eating habits (39 sources of confidence).


Although calorie tracking can help some people lose weight, it is not necessary for everyone and can lead to unhealthy eating habits.

18. Foods high in fat are not healthy

Cholesterol-rich foods have a bad rap, thanks to misconceptions about how dietary fat affects heart health.

While some people are more sensitive to dietary fat than others, in general, nutritious, fatty foods can be added to a healthy diet (40 reliable sources).

In fact, healthy foods in your diet, including high cholesterol, eggs, and whole-fat yogurt, can boost your health.


High fat foods such as eggs and whole fat yogurt are nutritious. Although genetic factors make some people more sensitive to dietary fat, for most people, foods high in cholesterol can be added as part of a healthy diet.

19. Eating Disorder Affects Women Only

Many people think that eating disorders and wrong eating only affect women. Honestly, even teenagers and adults are at risk.

What's more, more than 30% of adolescents in the United States report physical discomfort and the use of unhealthy techniques to achieve their optimal body type (44 belief evidence).

It is important to note that eating disorders vary from men to women, and they are more common among teenagers and lesbians or bisexuals, emphasizing the need to treat eating disorders that are appropriate for the male population ( Sources 44, 45).


Eating disorders affect both men and women. However, eating disorders differ among men compared to women, which emphasizes the need for eating disorders to suit the male population.

20. Corps will increase your weight

Because fat is blamed for weight gain and promoting heart disease, many people are spared the fear that intake of this macronutrient will lead to excess weight and diabetes.


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